Monday, July 30, 2018

Nutrition Month 2018: Ugaliing magtanim, sapat na nutrisyon aanihin

"Ugaliing Magtanim, sapat na nutrisyon aanihin". Words that are easy to vocalize but hard to express in action. In today's generation, simple works like farming is now hard for us to do because of too much influence of new technologies to our society.
As we all know, the lifestyle of the past generations are more simple and they are all living in a very peaceful way unlike today's generation. Some people nowadays are only depending the foods they eat from fast food chains, foods that are mixed with some chemical artificials. They prefer this kinds of food because they think it's delicious but they don't know the bad effect of eating too much foods like this. Can't you notice the fact that people that are in the province are more healthier than those people living in the city? Pollution rarely happens at provinces, yes this is one of the reasons why they are healthy, but there is also other reason why they are healthy, it is because the food they eat is fresh and healthy and it has no chemicals mixed on it. If we do planting of vegetables and fruits by ourselves, we can assure that the food that we are going to eat won't cause bad effect on our body instead it will give us a lot of nutrients.
The things that we are doing today is not only for the present days but it is also for our better future. This is now the right time to give proper attention to our health so that we can achieve a proper nutrition.



My Junior high school journey is about to end, we only have 3 remaining weeks to be together and enjoy each others company. It was like ye...