Tuesday, August 14, 2018


The time has passed quickly, it was like  yesterday when the first day of school started. It's been 3 months since we started our discussions for the first grading period and now it's about to end. For this quarter, I had experienced a lot of consequences and challenges. It was tough and hard for me to overcome those challenges.
Bunch of school requirements , projects, quizzes and were schedule to be done this quarter. I felt so much tension and stress towards all the activities that was given to us. But despite of this challenges . I manage to finish and accomplish whatever task given to me.
Challenges are just obstacles in life. We are going to experience this before we achieve our goals in life. 


  1. Exactly. We should always remember that there is no easy path to success . Hardwork and Patience will always be the key to our goals and dreams in life.

  2. Precisely. On our journey to success, we will truly encounter a number of problems :)

  3. That is correct, we must enjoy our last days in JHS for we will be separating ways in the next years

  4. So generalized yet so realistic.



My Junior high school journey is about to end, we only have 3 remaining weeks to be together and enjoy each others company. It was like ye...