Sunday, March 10, 2019



  Ilocos Sur province has it's own rich old heritage and amazing cultures that we Ilocanos needs to put our attention on it and pass it to the upcoming generations. We must not also ashamed of our cultures instead we must be proud of it.

               This January is said to be the celebration for the 195th Anniversary of the province of Ilocos Sur. One example of our cultural activities is the celebration Kannawidan Ylocos Festival. Kannawidan is celebrated on the month of January to February, all municipalities of Ilocos joins together to celebrate the feast of entire province of Ilocos Sur. Our main goal why we celebrate this kind of feast is to promote tourists destinations here in Ilocos, promotes their one town one product, to share different cultures and this feast aims to advocate awareness on how to preserve the cultural heritage, and traditions, and for us to showcase the different products and agricultures on each municipalities of the entire province. There are also different activities celebrated or oriented in this event. Like the street dancing that showcase the cultural dances of Ilocos Sur, the crowning of new Ms. Saniata ti Ylocos, and many more.

              We Ilocanos are not only rich with cultural activities, but we also have one big heart and mind on preserving, protecting, and promoting our traditional activities.


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