Monday, July 9, 2018

The Importance of Philippine Independence Day

Is it really important for us Filipinos to celebrate our independence day? We Filipinos are already familiar to American nations and Japanese nations because of the invasion happened on the 19th century.
On the month of May year 1898 we gained our freedom but proclaimed it on the 12th day of June  celebrated at the Province of Cavite. We are invaded before by the atrocious Spaniards, next are the barbaric Japanese soldiers, and the last one are the military soldiers of America. We've become slaves for about 333 years, ruled by heartless persons. But many of us Filipinos fought the foreign invaders just to achieved our freedom, a lot of them sacrificed their lives to defend our beloved country but it's good to know that their sacrifices have been paid off.
All I can say is we really need to celebrate our Independence day because this day serves as our memory that even we've been through a lot of consequences, even though we suffered pain from the hands of invaders, we still stand strong and defeat them. Let us also show our love and honor for all of the countrymen who died.



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