Friday, November 23, 2018


    Do you think technology have changed the way of communication? Technology has been playing an important role in our life for today's generation. In our world today, we cannot live without technologies such as televisions, mobile phones, computers, and others.
    Technology have slowly taken an essential part in people's lives and for not using them would be unimaginable for some of us. Using our gadgets, we can now easily contact/call our relatives who are far from us or who are living in other country. Even if they are far from us, we can still feel that they are still with us because of the good advantage of technology in our lives. . Without this things we will not have this kind of communications right now. It is truly that technology has changed our communication to one another, not only the way of communicating each other but also it changes our lives and made it become easier, simpler, and better lives to experience.
   The communication of one another before are only through hand written letters not just like now where we are now on the modern era where everything we are using right now  is technology. But we should also be thankful because of this our communication with our family will not that be so hard or it may not be delayed.

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