Friday, December 7, 2018


Do we still need to celebrate Christmas? Is it really true that Christmas is the day of giving and receiving love from one another? Christmas is the most special occasion that we need to celebrate on the month of December.
Christmas is about love. Caring about another, spending your time putting efforts to little things to make your love ones happy. We celebrate Christmas to remember the day when our savior Jesus Christ was born. Christmas is also about togetherness, being with the people we love, laughing, telling, and remembering happy moments, giving gifts to our love ones. Giving love and forgiving each other is the true spirit of Christmas.
This day is all about loving, giving, and caring. It is really true that it is better to give than to receive. The day of Christmas is really worth celebrating for, this day is a wonderful day to be with our love ones and cherish every moments with them.x


We as a human beings was created to fill our world with love and respect, we are created to build and develop a wonderful world that anyone wish to have. But what if in the society we reside is full of gender discrimination and full of cruelty?
Equality is to make sure that everyone has equal rights and opportunities in our society. Gender is one of the way we need to consider in order to be fair and equal. We are all given the opportunity to reach/ achieve our goals in life but sadly the cruel society is the one that stops us to pursue our dreams. A society that is full of discrimination, judgemental people, and lastly a society that stops us to do the things we want to do, a society who will stop you to have freedom.
we all deserve to be treated fairly and equally because even though what role we play in our society, we still deserve to be loved. Stop the discrimination and hatred, instead hate we should start spreading love and admiration to each and any one of us.


What would be the world without the youth? Can you imagine how lonely and sad without children in our lives? Children are the hope of our future, they are the one who will save our society before it falls into a cruel one.
Children plays a very important role in our society, they serve as the hope and future of one nation. They build a stronger world for each and one of us. They also serve as the happiness of ones individual specially they serve as the happiness of the old ones in our society. They make our lives alive and fill it with joy and positivity that we want to have. But sometimes they are treated like slaves, endeavors, or being violated with no reason at all. Even if they are still on their young age where they need to be treated right and needed to be loved especially they are still on their young age where they need someone who will love and guide them through the right path.
Let's not hate them for doing wrong things because they are still young, they still have many long years to correct the mistakes they've done. They also deserve respect, admiration, love, and care from someone who can fill their happiness


My Junior high school journey is about to end, we only have 3 remaining weeks to be together and enjoy each others company. It was like ye...