Friday, December 7, 2018


Do we still need to celebrate Christmas? Is it really true that Christmas is the day of giving and receiving love from one another? Christmas is the most special occasion that we need to celebrate on the month of December.
Christmas is about love. Caring about another, spending your time putting efforts to little things to make your love ones happy. We celebrate Christmas to remember the day when our savior Jesus Christ was born. Christmas is also about togetherness, being with the people we love, laughing, telling, and remembering happy moments, giving gifts to our love ones. Giving love and forgiving each other is the true spirit of Christmas.
This day is all about loving, giving, and caring. It is really true that it is better to give than to receive. The day of Christmas is really worth celebrating for, this day is a wonderful day to be with our love ones and cherish every moments with them.x


  1. Yes indeed, its better to give than to receive. I'm glad that you enjoyed your Christmas vacation.Keep it up!!!

  2. I can see that you enjoyed your Christmas vacation because you're with your loved ones. I'm so happy that you celebrate this season with Him, the reason of this celebration.



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