Friday, February 15, 2019

Change Starts With Me

Change happens wether we like it or not and regardless of the things that might change, we cannot do anything to make it stop/to make it stay just like the same as it is before. The happenings for tomorrow will be more different than today, but I believed that the bigger changes starts within ourselves.

Maybe some of us don't like to change, because some of us believed that changing ourselves won't help us to become a better person. But for me changing myself into something new is also the best start to change the negative thoughts in our lives, the nagativities in the world that surrounds me. A change wherein I need to do for me to achieve a wonderful lifestyle, a change where I need to make,where I can change the society/the world I am residing right now, to change it into a peaceful, wonderful, and happy place to live. A change where I need to get rid off the negativities that lessens my self confidence to show the world who really I am.

We can lead change and make our world a better place if we start it with ourselves.  We have our own decisions to make, but I choose to change myself first for the better.

New Year, New Me

Some of us think of the new year as something. Something that gives us a fresh start, a start where we forget and leave behind the troubles and mistakes we've done for the past few years. A year where we can make ourselves better, stronger, and braver.

We are well prepared when we entered the year 2019. There are those things that we want to change as the year also changes. For me, I want to fix the mistakes and wrong deeds I have done. This is the year where I am full of determination, promises, and hopes. The determination to finish all the task/activities given to me, where I can be more determined to achieved the things I want in life. Promises, promises wherein I need to fulfill because I don't want to leave them broken just like the promise I've made the past years, and lastly a year where I am full oh hope. A year where I believed that I can be more than what I think of myself, a year where I can do the things I've never expected to.

I see this year as a way to over, a year where I can create a new me. There are no hindrance on making new decisions in myself and changing myself for the better


My Junior high school journey is about to end, we only have 3 remaining weeks to be together and enjoy each others company. It was like ye...