Monday, October 22, 2018


This quarter It has been a tough and challenging quarter. It testes my determination when it comes to my studies.I experienced the so called difficulty in managing my time.specially in accomplishing all the task that was given to us.Short time  was given to us because of the suspension of classes. At the end of the day I feel very exhausting but because I dont want to fail ,so i still try to work hard even at night. There were many tiring days but I am still determined to finish all the requirements given to us. The lack of time is not an excuse is matter of having proper time management and hardwork. Just be patient today the time will come you will gain it all.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

“Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements”.

Science, and technology playes a big role in building our nation to be great, spreading global modernization and shaping the world where we live

“Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements”. The National Science Club aims to focus on giving importance to Michael Faraday’s discovery of electricity and magnetism as part of the same phenomenon (electromagnetism), which is now the cornerstone of human technological advancements that brought significant changes in the world until today, and even upcoming changes in the future. The theme also assigns to the youth and Science clubbers the responsibility or role of accentuating potentials and activating technological advancements. Our generation are most probably the greatest inventors that makes this nation a better and modernized one.

We are the holder of the future of our nation, we will be the one who will make our nation better, greater, and richer in technology. If we want to have an advance generation we should first change ourselves and start moving.


In a country, Peace is a term that most commonly refers to an absence of aggression, violence or hostility. Peace isn’t the absence of violence but rather the presence of justice. In a society, peace happens when different desires are in one agreement. Peace is based on many things, culture, education, family values, experience and history but the basis is the same to avoid war, and killing and in order to have the world peace we all want that's why each country are joining force to attain the peacefulness of our world.

According to me, Peace is the feeling that all's right with the world. When everyone around me in my family, my friend circle and my neighbourhood is happy, eager to love, accept and relate. I feel at peace. Also, to me it means following what my heart says and sharing mutual trust and respect for people around me.
However, in today’s world, peace and harmony face various threats. Terrorism, regional imbalance, economic disparity, and social inequality are some of the factors which threaten peace today. We all are so engrossed in our busy lifestyles and yet want our lives to be peaceful. We expect that peace to be omnipresent but what we need to realize is the fact that if we want peace- we have to live peacefully, love everyone, forgive, forget, etc. It’s not enough to stand around asking if world peace will ever happen because that won’t do anything. Actions speak louder than any words. If everyone starts living the peaceful, loving way, things will change. But someone has to start and lead by example. Mahatma Gandhi once said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” We can’t rely on anyone else to do this. We have to do these ourselves for us to have peace.

Acceptance, compassion, and tolerance are the foundation of peace. Unity also matters to all of us for us to achieve world peace.

Gurong Pilipino: Turo mo, Kinabukasan ko

In life, in order for us to grow, one must be influenced by the people surrounding us. Among our friends, family, and all the people who surrounds us there is only one person we truly admire and that's our teacher. A teacher who stands as our second parent in school, and one of the people who believes on us.

Teaching is a noble profession, because we all know that this work is really hard. To be honest, while growing up I never cared for what my teacher's feel when we are not listening to what they teach. But I now I realized that it is truly hard to become a teacher. Standing infront of your students for how many hours, doing lesson plans during midnight, and there are also times that they will not have time for their family. I know that feeling because my mother is also a teacher. They are doing everything just for us to learn something new, for us to gain more knowledge but here we are being a hard headed student. But it's not too late for us to show our love and gratitude for all the sacrifices they've done for us.

It's time for us to change so the struggles and sacrifices will be paid off. Our teacher's, you are truly out hero because without all of you, we will not be where we are right now. I salute all of you and thank you for never giving up on us. Happy teachers day to all of the teachers in the world especially my mother.


My Junior high school journey is about to end, we only have 3 remaining weeks to be together and enjoy each others company. It was like ye...