Sunday, March 10, 2019


My Junior high school journey is about to end, we only have 3 remaining weeks to be together and enjoy each others company. It was like yesterday when we are learning the lessons of first quarter and now we are also about to end as we finished to learn the lessons for the fourth quarter. 

The challenges and difficulties this time is not new to me anymore because I've already encoutered it through the previous quarters but I can say that this one was the hardest. It fully testes my determination for my studies and gave me stressful days, but despite of the stress it caused to me I still managed to finish all the given activities/requirements. If you are not really determine to work hard, you cannot accomplish the thing you want but if you will be determined to finish it, I promise you your harhships will be paid off. 

Always believe in ourselves, think positive always and put in our minds that everything will fall into the right place if we will exert determination, hope, and patience on everything we do.


Everyone has a dream and future ambitions in life, some of us dream of being rich and living a good life in the near future. We have a lot of different perspectives in life that we want to accomplish, and one of the biggest and hardest prrstension in my life is to become an architect someday.

My interest about architecture began when I was still at the young age. I've always wondered how those tall buildings, elegant houses was built only with the use of the creative and artistic ideas/mind of a human being. And I even love architecture more when my father started showing me his works and house designs when he was still an architecture student, I was so amazed that time that's why even I'm at the you lng age I got even more curious about the things related to this field.

 Now, I am a grade 10 student and another chapter of my life is about to end an ready again to enter the new chapter of my life, I will continue to walk through the path of my journey in achieving my dreams in life. I know that this journey will not be easy. It requires a lot of efforts and sacrifices, but I have the courage and confidence that someday I will become the one I always dream of.

This dream of mine is not only for myself but also to my parents who exerted a lot of hardships and sacrifices just to provide and support me to the things I want to, they are also the ones who believed in me more than I believed in myself. They also see the great potential in me in becoming the person I want to. Don't ever lose hope in life and continue to strive harder because everything will be paid off when the time we succeed in life 


Ilocos Sur National High School is a very well-known school for secondary level in the entire province of Ilocos Sur. It is because of the good quality of its learning system and for the good opportunities given to the students of our school. Celebrating the foundation day of our school is now a traditional activity for us, because every year we celebrate this to commemorate the founder of our school.

Last March 02 of the year 2019, we the students and teachers of our school celebrated the 117th foundation day of Ilocos Sur National High School. Our school was filled with laugh, excitement, and enjoynment within this day. Laugh because of the funny moments we've experience, excitement because of the field demonstration that we will perform infront of the thousands students in our school, and the enjoynment when we watch the performance of boys and girls for each year level. It was fun and entertaining to watch all the performers including us, all of us did our best and exerted a lot of effort on it but still at the end of the day both of the performers of grade 8 boys and girls won the field demo presentation.

We are not sad nor dismayed because of the result, we are still proud and happy. Proud because we knew we did our best to give them an amazing performance, and happy at the same time because we knew that the grade 8 students deserve to win this time. Their performance was wonderful, costumes are really attractive, and lastly their props were really colorful.

Winning is not our main goal for this event, it is for us to have fun and enjoy others company, and also for us to show that studying is not the only thing we do in our school but also for us to showcase our talents in dancing and show that the students of Ilocos Sur National High School can do more than what they expect from us.



  Ilocos Sur province has it's own rich old heritage and amazing cultures that we Ilocanos needs to put our attention on it and pass it to the upcoming generations. We must not also ashamed of our cultures instead we must be proud of it.

               This January is said to be the celebration for the 195th Anniversary of the province of Ilocos Sur. One example of our cultural activities is the celebration Kannawidan Ylocos Festival. Kannawidan is celebrated on the month of January to February, all municipalities of Ilocos joins together to celebrate the feast of entire province of Ilocos Sur. Our main goal why we celebrate this kind of feast is to promote tourists destinations here in Ilocos, promotes their one town one product, to share different cultures and this feast aims to advocate awareness on how to preserve the cultural heritage, and traditions, and for us to showcase the different products and agricultures on each municipalities of the entire province. There are also different activities celebrated or oriented in this event. Like the street dancing that showcase the cultural dances of Ilocos Sur, the crowning of new Ms. Saniata ti Ylocos, and many more.

              We Ilocanos are not only rich with cultural activities, but we also have one big heart and mind on preserving, protecting, and promoting our traditional activities.


Friday, February 15, 2019

Change Starts With Me

Change happens wether we like it or not and regardless of the things that might change, we cannot do anything to make it stop/to make it stay just like the same as it is before. The happenings for tomorrow will be more different than today, but I believed that the bigger changes starts within ourselves.

Maybe some of us don't like to change, because some of us believed that changing ourselves won't help us to become a better person. But for me changing myself into something new is also the best start to change the negative thoughts in our lives, the nagativities in the world that surrounds me. A change wherein I need to do for me to achieve a wonderful lifestyle, a change where I need to make,where I can change the society/the world I am residing right now, to change it into a peaceful, wonderful, and happy place to live. A change where I need to get rid off the negativities that lessens my self confidence to show the world who really I am.

We can lead change and make our world a better place if we start it with ourselves.  We have our own decisions to make, but I choose to change myself first for the better.

New Year, New Me

Some of us think of the new year as something. Something that gives us a fresh start, a start where we forget and leave behind the troubles and mistakes we've done for the past few years. A year where we can make ourselves better, stronger, and braver.

We are well prepared when we entered the year 2019. There are those things that we want to change as the year also changes. For me, I want to fix the mistakes and wrong deeds I have done. This is the year where I am full of determination, promises, and hopes. The determination to finish all the task/activities given to me, where I can be more determined to achieved the things I want in life. Promises, promises wherein I need to fulfill because I don't want to leave them broken just like the promise I've made the past years, and lastly a year where I am full oh hope. A year where I believed that I can be more than what I think of myself, a year where I can do the things I've never expected to.

I see this year as a way to over, a year where I can create a new me. There are no hindrance on making new decisions in myself and changing myself for the better

Friday, January 18, 2019

REFLECTION: 3rd Quarter

In this quarter, it has been hard and a challenging quarter. This quarter testes my determination for my studies. I've also experienced lack of time because I didn't manage my time well specially in finishing all the activities  that was given to us. But at the end of the day I feel very exhausted but because I dont want to fail this quarter, I'd still tried to work hard even at night. There were many tiring days and sleepless nights but I am still determined to finish all the requirements given to us. Lack of time is not an excuse in matter of having proper time management and hardwork. Continue striving hard and pursuing our dreams until the day will come that our hardships will be paid off.


My Junior high school journey is about to end, we only have 3 remaining weeks to be together and enjoy each others company. It was like ye...